Automated Report Editor

Automated Report Editor

Automated Report Editor

Designing an internal tool for future healthcare practitioners to efficiently create daily patient reports, scaling from 10 reports per day to 1000+

Designing an internal tool for future healthcare practitioners to efficiently create daily patient reports, scaling from 10 reports per day to 1000+

Designing an internal tool for future healthcare practitioners to efficiently create daily patient reports, scaling from 10 reports per day to 1000+

Foxtrot Health addresses cognitive decline through personalized plans that covers diet, exercise, cognition, and sleep. Their daily reports, based on patient data, are delivered as engaging podcasts. Featuring two hosts alternating lines of written script, they cater to their patient demographic of Baby Boomers (59-77 years old).

Their challenge was to improve the efficiency of their current process, which involved creating daily reports for each patient providing insights on cognitive health and recommending activities for the day.

Foxtrot Health addresses cognitive decline through personalized plans that covers diet, exercise, cognition, and sleep. Their daily reports, based on patient data, are delivered as engaging podcasts. Featuring two hosts alternating lines of written script, they cater to their patient demographic of Baby Boomers (59-77 years old).

Their challenge was to improve the efficiency of their current process, which involved creating daily reports for each patient providing insights on cognitive health and recommending activities for the day.

Foxtrot Health addresses cognitive decline through personalized plans that covers diet, exercise, cognition, and sleep. Their daily reports, based on patient data, are delivered as engaging podcasts. Featuring two hosts alternating lines of written script, they cater to their patient demographic of Baby Boomers (59-77 years old).

Their challenge was to improve the efficiency of their current process, which involved creating daily reports for each patient providing insights on cognitive health and recommending activities for the day.


Independent Product Designer

Independent Product Designer

Internal Tools • Web App • Product Design

Internal Tools • Web App • Product Design


Foxtrot Health

Foxtrot Health


Co-founder, Product Manager

Co-founder, Product Manager

Software Developer

Software Developer


March 2023

March 2023


As an independent and sole product designer, I was tasked with designing a product that would optimize and automate the current process of creating daily patient reports. I led the design of the product from scratch, creating core features of the report editor such as template utilization and a writing assistant. From research to high-fidelity mockups, I helped bring the product vision to life.


I closely collaborated with the co-founder, who was also the product manager, to align on the MVP and conducted critique sessions to gather feedback, ensuring that the product met business objectives and requirements while improving its overall quality.

For a seamless handoff experience, I collaborated with the developer by creating high-fidelity prototypes and providing clear guidance on design assets living in Figma.

Although balancing user needs with technical constraints and stakeholder expectations was challenging, I was able to design and deliver a product that will transform future workflows and improve the efficiency of creating daily patient reports, ultimately contributing to the success of the business and mitigating the effects of cognitive decline.


Report creation is a manual process that takes time and requires high specialization.

The current process is manual and not tailored to future health practitioner users who lack specialized knowledge in reading and writing code. As a result, there is a pressing need for a solution that streamlines the report creation process and makes it efficient and accessible to users.

01. Time-consuming

It takes too long to get through one patient report—an hour or more per patient. Currently, they have 10 patients, but scaling up to hundreds or thousands of patients in the future wouldn't be sustainable with their existing workflow. 

02. Not user-friendly

The cofounders had a long-term plan of offloading the work to health practitioners, but the current workflow was not user-friendly for those who cannot read or write code, which is why they were stuck doing the work themselves.

Solution Overview

Solution Overview

Automated report editor

Automated report editor

Automated report editor

I designed an editor that would optimize and automate this process of creating daily patient reports, saving time and effort by streamlining the workflow and reducing manual efforts.

I designed an editor that would optimize and automate this process of creating daily patient reports, saving time and effort by streamlining the workflow and reducing manual efforts.

01. Auto-Suggestions

Provides editable content suggestions, addresses users' struggle with report generation by offering a head start, automating 50% of the process to increase business efficiency.

02. Write with AI

Helps users create unique and engaging reports every day by leveraging patient data and previously sent reports to suggest high-quality content.

Helps users create unique and engaging reports every day by leveraging patient data and previously sent reports to suggest high-quality content.

03. Use Templates

Reduces editing time with existing templates for efficient and consistent report creation. Addresses user need for easy template preview access.

Reduces editing time with existing templates for efficient and consistent report creation. Addresses user need for easy template preview access.

04. Automatic Voice Alternation

Say goodbye to manual changes. The editor seamlessly alternates voices when users enter new lines, customizing it for Foxtrot Health's podcast reports.

Say goodbye to manual changes. The editor seamlessly alternates voices when users enter new lines, customizing it for Foxtrot Health's podcast reports.

05. Line-by-Line Audio Playback

Enables users to listen to each line of the report, a common use case for examining delivery and ensuring engaging content.

Enables users to listen to each line of the report, a common use case for examining delivery and ensuring engaging content.

Design Impact

Design Impact

Increase Efficiency: 50% Time Savings

I contributed significantly to the development of the report editor, which automates 50% of the manual process through features like a writing assistant and templates. This tool has the potential to deliver quantifiable benefits by reducing report creation time for healthcare professionals by an estimated 50%. Its successful implementation is crucial for the company's growth as it opens up opportunities to serve a larger customer base in the future.

Diving into the Design Process

Setting Project Goal and Scope

MVP ⭐️ Automate 50% of report creation

The project started with a stakeholder meeting, where the co-founder and I discussed the problems, goals, expectations, scope, and timeline. The objective for the MVP was to leverage AI to automate 50% of the report creation process.

Understanding Users Needs and Pain Points

Talking with the co-founders, who were current technical report writers, uncovered report creation challenges, indicating the need for an empowering report editor for efficient and engaging reports. A user-friendly interface was also necessary to accommodate less tech-savvy users in the future.

Identifying Existing Workflow and Areas of Opportunity

I examined the current report creation process and developed a high-level workflow that helped envision where the report editor would fit into their existing process and identify areas for improvement. Interestingly, they have been trying to expedite the report creation process by using ChatGPT and their own templates but these efforts aren't enough.

Existing Workflow: Analyzing patient data trends

Existing Workflow: Creating report on Visual Studio Code

Defining the Design Opportunity

Defining the Design Opportunity

How might we design an editor that enables efficient creation of engaging and insightful content?

How might we design an editor that enables efficient creation of engaging and insightful content?

How might we design an editor that enables efficient creation of engaging and insightful content?

The report editor needed to meet three important criteria: efficiency, engagement, and insightfulness. The technical report writers expressed the desire to spend consistent time on reports, so a systematic approach was necessary. Foxtrot Health wanted to make updates engaging by creating reports as podcasts, which influenced the design of the editor. Additionally, the editor needed to be data-driven, aligning with our goal of utilizing AI to automate the process.

The report editor needed to meet three important criteria: efficiency, engagement, and insightfulness. The technical report writers expressed the desire to spend consistent time on reports, so a systematic approach was necessary. Foxtrot Health wanted to make updates engaging by creating reports as podcasts, which influenced the design of the editor. Additionally, the editor needed to be data-driven, aligning with our goal of utilizing AI to automate the process.

Establishing Product Requirements

Establishing Product Requirements

Collaborating with the co-founder, I steered discussions to present key findings and establish agreed-upon editor feature requirements. We successfully mapped design requirements to various functionalities and defined exclusions for the MVP. Due to time constraints, my focus was on designing the editor, not the complete dashboard experience for data analysis and report creation.

Collaborating with the co-founder, I steered discussions to present key findings and establish agreed-upon editor feature requirements. We successfully mapped design requirements to various functionalities and defined exclusions for the MVP. Due to time constraints, my focus was on designing the editor, not the complete dashboard experience for data analysis and report creation.

Crafting an Efficient Future User Flow

I created the future workflow with a focus on enhancing efficiency. Together with the co-founder, it underwent regular revisions and updates throughout the project, providing a helpful framework for outlining how the editor would work.

Leveraging Existing AI-Driven Editors

During the ideation phase, I facilitated the analysis of existing editors that integrate AI assistance to identify common design patterns aligned with Jakob's Law, ensuring an intuitive, user-friendly product while minimizing the learning curve.

Design Explorations: How might we seamlessly introduce AI into the editor?

We explored chatbot and command-based approaches, choosing the latter. Chatbot required copying/pasting results, reducing efficiency. Command-based allowed seamless toggling between AI-generated content and user edits, ensuring streamlined workflow and optimal efficiency.


Command / More actions

Prototyping Screen Flows

Prototyping Screen Flows

Key design considerations included pre-populating the report, enabling freeform writing, and integrating the "Write with AI" and "Use Templates" feature. Additionally, I had to address the challenge of tailoring the editor to suit Foxtrot Health's delivery of reports as podcasts instead of documents.

Key design considerations included pre-populating the report, enabling freeform writing, and integrating the "Write with AI" and "Use Templates" feature. Additionally, I had to address the challenge of tailoring the editor to suit Foxtrot Health's delivery of reports as podcasts instead of documents.

Design Review and Iterations

Design Review and Iterations

Refining the design, I incorporated critiques and valuable feedback from the stakeholder. Each iteration underwent careful evaluation to ensure that suggested features met the needs of both users and the business.

Streamlining Development

I designed high-fidelity mockups by customizing Google's Material UI (MUI), leveraging Foxtrot Health's existing framework, and tailoring it with Foxtrot Health's visual brand identity.

Design Handoff: Design Specs and UI Library

To conclude the project, I organized the Figma file and held a hand-off meeting with the developer. A dedicated handoff page with annotations showcased user flows, while a UI library facilitated smoother implementation.



Building Trust through Clear Expectations

Clear expectations on project scope and deliverables managed client expectations, minimizing miscommunication. Open communication about limitations fostered transparency, trust, and a strong client relationship.

Clear expectations on project scope and deliverables managed client expectations, minimizing miscommunication. Open communication about limitations fostered transparency, trust, and a strong client relationship.

Involving the Product Manager in the Design Process

With each design review came a new set of product requirements, and I always asked the product manager why the features were needed and what their use cases were. Does it address a business need? User need? These questions helped me design a better product that aligns with both business and user needs.

Communicating Visually

I have found that creating even a quick sketch of design ideas significantly enhances the impact and clarity of my message. It helps stakeholders to envision the design direction and rationale by giving them something to compare and contrast.

I have found that creating even a quick sketch of design ideas significantly enhances the impact and clarity of my message. It helps stakeholders to envision the design direction and rationale by giving them something to compare and contrast.

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